Investigating the problems of rural production cooperatives in supporting the products of villagers in North Khorasan province


1 MSc. in Agricultural Extension and Education, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran

2 Associate Prof., Dept., of Agricultural Extension and Education, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran


In recent years, several production cooperatives have faced many problems in providing their support services, which need to be identified and planned to address these barriers through a diagnostic study. This research has been conducted by examining the problems of rural production cooperatives in supporting the products of villagers in North Khorasan province. The target population of this study included board members in 40 companies and 9056 members of rural production cooperatives in 189 villages of North Khorasan province. Among them, 307 people were selected as the research sample and the required data was collected from them. The results of Friedman test showed that "financial-economic", "cultural-social" and "administrative-institutional" problems are more important, respectively. Among the "financial-economic" problems, items such as "lack of liquidity", "time consuming process of obtaining loans and bank facilities" and "high interest rates on bank loans" were more important. Among the "socio-cultural" problems, items such as "lack of necessary training in business and market", "preference of individual work among villagers to participate in cooperatives" and "lack of awareness and knowledge of villagers about market trends". Among the "administrative-institutional" problems, items such as "lack of familiarity of managers of rural production cooperatives with the principles of marketing of agricultural products", "lack of support of the Central Organization of Rural Cooperatives for rural production cooperatives" and "problems of supplying agricultural and production inputs such as fertilizer, seeds and animal inputs such as bran, concentrate and barley" were given higher priority.


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