Representation of Community-orientation in a University Social Value-creation Approach: Developing an Index for Academic Extension Outreach


1 Department of Agricultural Extension and Education. Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources

2 Associate Prof., Dept., of Agricultural Extension and Education, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources


Value creation by university reflects both a kind of generational change and a reflection of a form of engagement with society. According to the conventional categorization, the generations of the university are categorized, as: (a) education (teaching)-oriented university, (b) research-oriented university, (c) entrepreneurial university, and (d) developmental university. In this regard, four generations of university engagement with the community include: (1) education, (2) education + research, (3) education + research + technology / entrepreneurship, and (4) full engagement or complete participation of the university in sustainable development are listed. This trend means adding some functions to the university and, as a result, defining processes and establishing structures for implementing these functions. Although, in terms of structural-functional balance; the addition of new functions in the universities has led to the formation of new structures in universities alongside the old structures that perform conventional functions. In most cases, old structures with no longer functions are not obliterated (by removing dysfunctional structures) or integrated with new structures (by merging of same-function structures). Therefore, instead of erasing or merging, new and old structures are rolled over, and if not lubricated through coordinated division of responsibilities or integrated strategic management, they will cause friction and will disrupt the moving of university machine. Overall, functional switching and performance evaluation of the university require institutional monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment based on representative index. This paper presents a comprehensive assessment framework and indicators of academic extension outreach as index of community-orientated and socially value- creating university.


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