Evaluating the relationship between personal and personality traits and entrepreneurial behavior of women members of rural cooperatives in Mazandaran


1 Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch

2 Expert of the Department of Natural Resources and Watershed Management of Golestan Province, Iran

3 MSc. in Agricultural Extension and Education, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran


Women's entrepreneurial activities play an important role in the economic growth and development of society. Entrepreneurial behavior is one of the most important topics in entrepreneurship that depends on several factors. Personal and personality traits can be considered as important predictors of women's entrepreneurial behavior. In this regard, the present study was conducted to investigate the relationship between personal and personality dimensions of women members of rural cooperatives with their entrepreneurial behavior in Mazandaran province. The statistical population in this study consists of 1396 members of 11 active rural women's cooperatives, of which 302 were selected as a sample size based on the Krejcie-Morgan table. The researcher-made questionnaire was the main assessment tool in the present study, the validity was based on the opinions of university professors and its reliability was obtained by calculating the Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Findings showed that personality traits have a positive and significant relationship with the dimensions of entrepreneurial behavior. In other words, personality traits had a strong and significant positive relationship with entrepreneurial behavior In the other hand, the findings indicated that foresight, creativity, and the level of self-employment interest of personality traits had the strongest positive and significant relationship with the entrepreneurial behavior of women. The results also showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between the monthly income variable with the entrepreneurial behavior of women. Improving and promoting personality traits can be considered as a basis for creating opportunities to strengthen women's entrepreneurial behavior and create employment in cooperatives.


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