Student Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Services (Case Study: Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources)


1 Associate Prof., of Agricultural Extension and Education, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Iran

2 M.Sc. Student of Agricultural Extension, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Iran


The purpose of this study was student evaluation of entrepreneurship services at Gorgan
University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. The research was descriptive and
survey. The target population of the study consisted of 120 students engaged in entrepreneurial
activities at Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, 92 of whom
were selected as the sample of the study. Data collection tool was a questionnaire whose validity
was confirmed by the members of the dissertation committee and faculty members of
Agricultural Extension and Education Department and its reliability was calculated using
Cronbach's alpha coefficient. It was 0.910 for students' perceptions of entrepreneurship services
and 0.914 for students' expectations of entrepreneurship services. The results of Wilcoxon test
showed that students' average expectations of entrepreneurship services were higher than their
perceptions and the negative gap indicated that students' expectations of entrepreneurship < br />services were not met at the University. Also, according to the mean values, the most negative
gap (-15.15) is related to the item of reliable information provided by the Entrepreneurship < br />Center and the lowest negative gap (-2.46) is related to the item of quick response to students'
requests in the entrepreneurship services. Providing accurate, correct and based information on
the existing realities of the labor market and society to the student by the experts of the
Entrepreneurship Center, speakers and fellow instructors, especially in entrepreneurship events,
the University pays more attention to the material and spiritual support of students, establish
more intimate communication between professors and students and pay more attention to
meeting their training needs in setting up and starting a business, can reduce the gap between
students' perceptions and expectations.


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