Investigating the role of greenhouse development on production and entrepreneurship in Zanjan province


Assistant Professor of Department Research Extension and Social, Economic, Zanjan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Education Center, AREEO, Zanjan, Iran


Today, due to problems such as population growth, unemployment, limited water and soil
resources, environmental threats, low crop yields and concerns about endangering the food
security; the role and importance of entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector is felt more than
ever. Therefore, comprehensive planning in the development of greenhouses can play an
important role in production and entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector. The purpose of this
study was to investigate the role of greenhouse development in entrepreneurship and production
in the agricultural sector of Zanjan province. The target population was the entrepreneurs of
greenhouse units who are producing vegetables. Using the proportional stratified random
sampling method, the sample size was calculated 60 greenhouses. SPSS software was used to
analyze the collected data. The validity of the questionnaires was assessed by experienced
academic and agricultural experts. The Cronbach’s alpha was calculated as 0.78 showing that
the questionnaires are reliable. The results showed that the variables including high cost of
greenhouse equipments and land in addition to high production risk were the main issues for
construction of greenhouses. Expensive agricultural inputs and lack of proper mechanisms are
the most important problems of greenhouse owners. Moreover, government incentives and no
need for special expertise and qualifications are the most important factors in encouraging the
entrepreneurs to invest in greenhouses in the province. Factor analysis of effective factors in
entrepreneurship and production opportunities in greenhouses led to the extraction of 5 factors
namely economic, technical-support, managerial, social and infrastructure, which explain 82%
of the variance.


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