Consequences of Developing Rural Entrepreneurial Businesses; Using the Technique of Future Wheels (Case study: Zarduee village of Paveh County)


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension & Education, Faculty of Agriculture, Razi University, Kermanshah

2 M.Sc, Department of Agricultural Extension & Education, Faculty of Agriculture, Razi University, Kermanshah


Agriculture is often subsistence in Iran and most farmers do not have a suitable level of life.
In this way, development of entrepreneurial businesses in rural area as strategy to improve rural
living conditions and rural development has taken into consideration. Therefore, the purpose of
this study was to study the consequences of the development of rural entrepreneurial businesses
using the technique of future wheels in Zarduee village of Paveh County. Target population was
rural business owners in Zarduee village, and 12 samples were interviewed by purposed
sampling technique. The results showed that the development of rural entrepreneurial businesses
in Zarduee village has created 4 first order consequences, 11 second order consequences, 16
third order consequences and 5 fourth order consequences. The first order consequences
identified are: job creation, creating more coordination among villagers, reviving the indigenous
cultures of the region and making the village famous. It is necessary for development officials
and planners to include financial support, approval of the necessary budget, support laws,
launching extension training courses and put incentive programs for the development of rural
entrepreneurial businesses in the headline of their program.


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