Utilization of Agricultural Model Based on Indigenous Culture (Permaculture) in the Development of Rural Tourism Entrepreneurship in Guilan Province


Assistant Professor of Tourism. Literature and Human sciences Faculty, University of Guilan


Indigenous culture-based agriculture (permaculture) is a conscious model for employing
agricultural production systems in which three characteristics of diversity, sustainability and
resilience are considered. This pattern is related to sustainable rural development, diversification
of rural economic activities and increasing revenue sources from it. Due to diversity and
geographical advantages of Guilan province, the occupation of most rural residents is
agriculture which due to seasonality of these activities, this style of employment could not be a
source of sustainability for rural economy. Therefore, taking advantage of agricultural tourism
capacity along with proper environment management and correct use of resources can be a
suitable strategy for rural development and sustainability. This study has been done with
extensive review of relevant theoretical and empirical literature and library resources with the
aim of introducing agricultural tourism based on local culture of Guilan province and employing
it in rural tourism entrepreneurship development. The results show that the use of permaculture
pattern which is derived from natural and cultural power of Guilan province, while taking care
of the land, taking care of local residents and equitable distribution of income in rural areas, are
very cheap and low cost, simple, understandable and applied by local people.


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