The Development of Environmental Entrepreneurship with Emphasis on the Role of Rural Small and Micro Enterprises


In response to problems with environmental degradation, environmental entrepreneurship is
one of the strategies that has been introduced to convert traditional economic to green one, in
recent years. This kind of entrepreneurship connotes the idea of developing an enterprise while
at the same time demonstrating a concern for ecological and social needs of present and future
generations. In developing countries, in particular, small and micro enterprises, account for the
vast majority of enterprises and they account for the large contributions of pollution and
resources consumption, too. Therefore, noticing them and harness the initiative of local
entrepreneurs to consider environmental concerns and responsibilities in small-scale
entrepreneurial activities can promote the development of eco-innovatons and the emergence of
green industries. The present paper uses a library-documentary research to first consider the
concept and the nature of environmental entrepreneurship and environmental entrepreneurs;
then, rural small and micro enterprises, and the relationship between enviropreneurs and these
kinds of enterprises are studied. After that, the barriers and opportunities of environmental
entrepreneurship and the experiences of some successful countries to promote it are discussed.


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