Analysis of Barriers to Entrepreneurship in Agricultural Small and Medium Enterprises in Qazvin Province.


Promoting the country's agriculture is an important part of the workforce as a key factor in
the agricultural sector and is looking for suitable opportunities and ideas to create businesses
and promote entrepreneurial businesses in the agricultural sector. The path to economic
development can be enriched by boosting entrepreneurship in small and Medium Entreorises.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the barriers to entrepreneurship development in SMEs
in the framework of descriptive-survey research. The statistical population of this study
consisted of 4532 units of SMEs in Qazvin province in 2016. The sample size was 354 units of
SMEs selected by random sampling. These industries were in the main groups of Food industry,
Horticulture, Agricultural mechanization, livestock and Fisheries. Cronbach's alpha coefficient
was calculated 0.88 to determine the reliability of the questionnaires. The content validity of the
questionnaire was confirmed by the opinion of experts in the field. After completing the
questionnaires and collecting data, SPSS software was used for data analysis based on
exploratory factor analysis technique. The results of factor analysis of development barriers in
SMEs resulted in the extraction of seven barriers. In order of importance, these barriers include
financial, scientific, educational, knowledge, strategic, policy, marketing-sales and
environmental barriers that account for 72.265% of the total variance of barriers to
entrepreneurship development in agricultural businesses.


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