Problem-finding of Rural Food-Processing Industries in Kaboudarahang Township to Rural Entrepreneurship Development


The development of Rural Food-Processing Industries can play an important and
constructive role in increasing the income and promoting the livelihood of the villagers as the
main contributors to food production and organizing the economic situation of the villages.
These industries are very important solutions to balance and respond to challenges such as
poverty and low income, urban and rural imbalances, low-income agriculture, migration, labor
supply and food security, but they are facing with problems that have not been able to develop
in terms of production, rural entrepreneurship and employment. This research was carried out
with the aim of problems Identification of Rural Food-Processing Industries in Kaboudarahang
Township of Hamadan province. The study population consisted of 79 units of rural food
processing industries in kaboodarang County, Hamadan province that using purposeful
sampling method and snowball technique. Data collection techniques were semi-structured
interview. Based on the data analysis, the studied Food-Processing Industries had numerous
problems in financial and credit, legal, organizational, marketing, educational, managerial
aspects. The other major problems were the existence of speculators and unauthorized
competitors and natural disasters. Finally, suggestions were given by unit owners about the


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