Content Analysis of the Components of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Iran


The purpose of the present study was to analyze the qualitative content of research related to
the concepts of entrepreneurship ecosystem and start-ups. For this purpose, sources published
between 2010 and 2019 (85 sources) were selected and reviewed. The results of the content
analysis led to the separation of seven dimensions related to the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Dimensions were: Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Dimensions, Entrepreneurship Development
Policies, Entrepreneurial Problems and Barriers, Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Success
Prerequisites, Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Stakeholders, Entrepreneurial Development Strategies
and Entrepreneurial Ecosystem. Other research results indicated that about 40% of the resources
surveyed had quantitatively studied the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Most of the resources were
implemented by organizations, targeting 40% of resources for managers, entrepreneurs and
business owners. Data were collected through a questionnaire in half of the sources. In terms of
geographical distribution, most sources at the international level have examined the dimensions
of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. In addition, a review of the year of publication of the
published sources revealed that during the 10 slides, there was an increasing trend in selected
sources in the field of entrepreneurship ecosystem.


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