The need to strengthen the rural entrepreneurship ecosystem


Today, entrepreneurship is important for the growth and development of villages. Rural
entrepreneurship and the ecosystems that support it are known as a practical solution for rural
development. Rural ecosystems are often characterized by scarcity of infrastructure and
financial and human resources, weaknesses in government support programs and relatively
weak communication and information networks, More expensive access to large markets and
low levels of economic activity. As a result, entrepreneurship in rural ecosystems is less based
on opportunity and more based on necessity and coercion. Enhancing the rural entrepreneurship
ecosystem can be a suitable strategy for accelerating the development of entrepreneurship in
rural areas. Therefore, the present study has been conducted with a comprehensive review of the
literature on the field of entrepreneurship ecosystem, with the aim of describing the effects,
elements, characteristics and necessity of strengthening rural entrepreneurship ecosystems. In
this research, first, the concept of rural entrepreneurship and rural entrepreneurship ecosystem
has been addressed and then, the economic, technological and social impacts of rural
entrepreneurship ecosystems have been discussed, and then the importance of the elements of
the rural entrepreneurship ecosystem has been discussed and finally, the characteristics of
entrepreneurship ecosystems are described.


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