Analysis of weakness, strength, threat and opportunity of employment plans of the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee in Golestan Provience


In the current situation, employment is one of the most important social challenges in the
country. In this regard, one of the institutions that have been trying to solve the problem by
implementing employment plans is the Imam Khomeini Relief Committee. The purpose of this
study was to analysis the weaknesses, strengths, threats and opportunities of the employment
plans of the Khomeini Relief Committee in Golestan province. Research is a type of applied
research which is done by descriptive-survey method. The statistical population consisted of all
experts of Imam Khomeini Relief Committee in Golestan province (N=80). SPSS and Excel
software were used to analyze the data. The results showed that the most important
opportunities for employment plans were "creating opportunities for the growth and
improvement of the personality of the clients" and "protecting the family institution" and the
most important threats were "the lack of supportive co-operatives from domestic businesses,"
"imports of similar products at a lower cost," and "lack of clients familiarity with the methods of
advertising". The most important weaknesses were “buying cheap products manufactured by
brokers "and" the lack of specific brands for clients' products". The most important strengths
were “contributing to the development of the market for production and consumption"and
"more flexibility of designs with living environment conditions". The results also show that
weaknesses, strengths, threats and opportunities of employment plans are in the competitive
strategy area. That is, we must eliminate the weaknesses by taking advantage of the

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