Studying the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and organizational performance in Agriculture Jahad Organization of Hamedan Province: The mediating role of learning orientation and organizational learning


Entrepreneurial orientation and organizational learning provide possible ways to address the
need to encourage and manage strategic change continuously in order to achieve competitive
advantage, ensure survival, and generate enhanced performance. As such, the purpose of this
study was to investigate the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and organizational
performance in the Jahad-e-Agriculture organization in Hamedan province. It also examined the
mediating roles of learning orientation and organizational learning on entrepreneurial
orientation-performance relationship. The study population included 50 managers that were
selected through census method. Data was collected using a standardized self-administered
questionnaire. The content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by a panel of experts and
its reliability was confirmed using Cronbach’s alfa coefficient (0.94≥α≥0.70). Data were then
analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modelling by the help of Smart PLS 3.0
software. The results indicated that entrepreneurial orientation was significantly related to
organizational learning, learning orientation and organizational performance. There was also a
significant relationship between learning orientation and organizational performance. In
addition, the results of bootstrap procedure showed that learning orientation mediated the
entrepreneurial orientation-organizational performance relationship. Based on the findings, it
could be concluded that organizational managers and leaders could improve entrepreneurial
orientation by focusing on learning orientation and organization learning and thereby increasing
organizational performance.


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