Analysis Factors Influencing Development of Entrepreneurial Culture in Agricultural Organization of Zanjan province


The aim of this study was to analysis factors influencing development of entrepreneurial
organizational culture in Agricultural Jihad organization of Zanjan province. Statistical
population of research were staffs who involved in Agricultural organization of Zanjan province
(N=687). The sample size was determined using the Cochran formula (n=122). Sample
respondents were selected using proportional stratified sampling method. Research instrument
was standard questionnaire. Face and content validity of questionnaire was approved by a panel
of experts. Also, calculated values of Cronbach’s Alpha, Average Variance Extracted (AVE)
and Composite Reliability (CR) for all variables were confirmed. Results of path analysis
showed that motivation stimulating and fostering had no significant effect on development
entrepreneurial organizational culture. Also, other effective factors (such as: skills training;
change the perception and discovery of opportunity; participation, independence and of
responsibility; innovation, creativity and risk appetite; change and evolution of organization
values) had positive and significant effect (p≤ 0.01) on development of Entrepreneurial culture.
So that these variables explained 87% of variance in the entrepreneurial culture development of
Agricultural Jihad organization in Zanjan province.


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