Accelerators of rural entrepreneurship development


Nowadays, rural tourism is considered as one of the most significant sectors of economic
activity. Rural tourism can provide opportunities and facilities especially for rural employment
and income, and provide a fertile ground for the development of small businesses and
entrepreneurship. Therefore, the current applied research seeks to investigate the accelerators of
rural tourism entrepreneurship development in the tourism destination villages of Kermanshah
province. To implement the present research, qualitative methods were used. The population of
this research was comprised of experts and practitioners in the field of tourism in Kermanshah
province, which were a total of 15 people. Based on the content of the interviews analysis
results, proponents were classified into two categories of "support groups" and "regional and
sub-regional opportunities". In the meanwhile, the open source continuous and periodic
monitoring of resorts, hotels by health care and veterinary centers" in the category of
"appropriate climate opportunities and appropriate facilities", open source "the high culture of
people in accepting rural tourists" the category of "support groups” are considered as the most
important factors in the development of entrepreneurship in the field of tourism.


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