Analysis status of agricultural business clusters and their development in Ira


Agricultural cluster refers to the density of producers and agricultural businesses in an
activity field which has shared advantages and challenges and is active in a specific geographic
area. The development of agricultural clusters is considered as a key approach to promoting the
agricultural sector in many countries. The promotion and development this clusters has many
benefits. Among the benefits of agricultural clusters include: increasing productivity, ease of
access to public resources and information, faster growth of innovation, the formation of new
businesses, Attracting investors, cutting costs, better farm management, market access and
improving marketing, giving the brand to a product and raising the income of cluster
stakeholders. This paper analytical article seeks to answer the following questions: What is the
status of business clusters in Iran? What are the clusters of agricultural business in Iran? What is
the identification and development of agricultural business clusters in Iran? The promotion and
development of such clusters has many advantages, including: increasing productivity, ease of
access to public resources and information, faster growth of innovation, the formation of new
businesses, Attracting investors, cutting costs, better farm management, market access and
improving marketing, giving the brand to a product and raising the income of cluster
stakeholders. Studies have shown that, despite the fact that the activity of clusters of agricultural
enterprises and businesses has a long history in developed countries, But in Iran, despite the
emphasis on various development programs, this is not an operational topic. The clusters are
endogenous development pattern that is based on regional social and economic conditions and
structures, the development pattern of each cluster is the same as the cluster and region, and it is
not possible to suggest a pattern for the whole cluster.


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