Identifying Barriers to Establishing Organic agricultural Businesses in Iran (Case Study: Organic agricultural Units in Tehran Provinc


Today, the agricultural sector has slightly increased its production to meet the ever
increasing demand for food due to the rapid growth of human societies by expanding new
science and technology. But this increase in production has caused environmental problems, the
destruction and contamination of water and soil resources and the development of various
diseases. In order to solve these problems, organic agriculture is consider as one of the
sustainable agricultural systems. But, despite the many benefits, setting up organic agriculture is
facing many barriers among farmers. The present study identifies obstacles to the establishment
of organic agriculture businesses. In this regard, qualitative research method and 12 deep
interviews with organic producers were used. Interview analysis was also conducted through
open and pivotal coding. Research findings showed that from the viewpoint of organic
producers, there are barriers such as financial, legal and administrative, institutional and
supportive, educational, cultural, personal, marketing and work environment and production-
related barriers. At the end, are recommended on the importance of setting up and protecting
organic agriculture is recommended.


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