Sustainable Rural Entrepreneurship: A Response to Unlimited Development of Entrepreneurship in Rural Area


Entrepreneurship is known as one of the most important efforts of rural development.
Scholars and policy makers believe this concept and always try to develop it in rural areas. But
the question is that “is rural entrepreneurship development always appropriate?” The evidences
show that unlimited development of rural entrepreneurship have dangerous consequences for
rural people and households. The aim of this review study was introducing the concept of
sustainable rural entrepreneurship in response to the consequences of unlimited development of
rural entrepreneurship. Results showed that the consequences could be categorized in three
groups of economic, social and environmental dimensions. On the other hand, entrepreneurship
literature also has been made with studies on perspectives which consider these three
dimensions, including economic, social, and environmental entrepreneurship. Simultaneously
considering triple dimensions of entrepreneurship and sustainability creates the concept of
sustainable entrepreneurship. These dimensions in the concepts of entrepreneurship and
sustainability could cover the consequences of rural entrepreneurship and introduce the new
concept of sustainable rural entrepreneurship.


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