Providing Native Process Model for Development Home Based Business in Kermanshah Provinc


Home based businesses are one of the most important business sectors that policy advocates
in various countries support from that recent years. In our country, in the present-day situation,
dealing with home based businesses is not a choice, but a necessity. The importance of this
issue, especially in Kermanshah province, which has high unemployment rates, is double.
Therefore, the present study aims to development of home based businesses in Kermanshah
province, with reviewing national and provincial upstream documentation, library resources and
deep semi-structured interview with 12 experts this area, presents a six-stage process model in
the form of an innovative model based on the needs of the market and the business environment.
In this applied research, using qualitative approach and content analysis method, the collected
data were analyzed. Finally, there was established a clear and logical communication among the
codes that was confirmed by the community studied. Finally, the results were drawn up as a
native process model. The results of this study can be used by policy makers, investors, and
social and economic planners.


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