Rural Women's Entrepreneurship Development Barriers (Case Study: Women entrepreneurs in Lahijan city)


This study to identify restraining factors of the entrepreneurship development of rural
women in the Lahijan city it’s done. Research methodology was qualitative of case-study and
by using in-depth interviews with 12 rural entrepreneur women that were selected based on
purposive sampling method, data were collected. Based on the results of content analysis of
interviews, restraining factors in two selective class “problems of implementation” in two areas
contains of weakness of infrastructures and protection- policy insufficiency of government and
organizations, and “problems of manufacturing” included of problems in the supply chain,
distribution and monitoring, were classified. In this regardthe lack of adequate space, the lack
trust each other, the lack of government support of manufacturers, a high rate of bank interest,
the lack of attention to the problems in the aria of production, intense market volatility,
fluctuations in input prices, and damaged goods due to pest, formed the major obstacles to the
entrepreneurship development of rural women in the Lahijan city.


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