Diagnosing rural development cooperatives in the direction of formulating of entrepreneurship development strategies


ﻧﺸﺮﯾﻪکﺎرآﻓﺮﯾﻨی در کﺸﺎورزی)5(، ﺷﻤﺎره)1(ﺑﻬﺎر1397
Journal of Entrepreneurship in Agriculture Vol. 5(1), 2018
Diagnosing rural development cooperatives in the direction of
formulating of entrepreneurship development strategies
A. Emdadi1, *M.R. Mahboobi2 and Gh.H. Abdollahzadeh2
1M.Sc. Student, Dept., of Agricultural Extension and Education, Gorgan University of Agricultural
Sciences and Natural Resources, 2Associated Prof., Dept., of Agricultural Extension and Education,
Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
Received: 12/28/2017; Accepted: 04/12/2018
This descriptive-survey study was conducted to diagnosing rural development cooperatives
in the direction of codification of entrepreneurship development strategies. The statistical
population of this study included all cooperation experts in administration of Cooperatives,
Labor and Social Welfare of Golestan Province. Using census method, 42 of them were selected
as research samples. Content analysis of questionnaire showed the most important opportunities
includes co-operatives exemption from tax and insurance, emphasizing the constitution
principles (43 and 44) on cooperatives and possibility of using experts and graduates of the
university to implement cooperative projects. The most important threats includes weak support
banks and cooperative unions from rural development cooperatives, problems of access to
proper market sale of agricultural and rural production and lack of social security discounts. The
most important strengths includes providing favorable conditions for credit facilities,
establishing the participation of villagers in various fields of industry, agriculture and services,
conducting training courses that lead to cheap inputs in agricultural, industrial and quality
products and preventing the continuity of wealth remaining in the hands of special individuals
and groups. The most important weakness includes the lack of collective and cooperative work
among members, inability to provide proper collateral for obtaining loans and the lack of
utilization and proper use of technology in cooperative affairs. The results showed that the
diagnosing of the cooperatives is in aggressive strategy area and which means taking advantage
of domestic strengths and exploiting foreign opportunities.


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