Investigation of measuring patterns of sustainability level in small and mid-sized businesses in agriculture


Investigations show that in practice, many of small and mid-sized businesses created in
various factors do not have an appropriate sustainability level in economic, social and
environmental dimensions and in different countries including Iran, their growth and survival
are along with many doubts due to various obstacles and problems. Given the importance of this
issue, the main purpose of the present paper was to investigate measuring patterns and models
of sustainability level in businesses; this paper is based on the vast and extensive review of
related theoretical and empirical literature and library resources. The review of the related
literature showed that various models including ISO/cd 9004 model, organizational excellence
model, value-added model for the community and shareholder with the help of environmental
retrieval, political, economic, social and technological factors analysis model (PEST), triple
profit model or the triple bottom line (TBL), triple bottom line and four supporting facets (TBL
+4 facets), 3P model, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the house of sustainable supply
chain management model were provided by researchers and investigators in order to measure
the sustainability of businesses. According to the results of literature review, in most proposed
models and patterns, three dimensions of economic, social and environmental sustainability
have been taken into consideration in the form of a comprehensive and systematic approach.
Therefore, the goals of sustainability in small and medium businesses are to create a balance
between social health, environmental quality and economic Prosperity.


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