Business potentials from Agritourism (Case Study: Jahrom city)


Agritourism is a part of rural tourism that offers various recreational and tourism services.
Actually agritourism includes business conducted by farmers for the enjoyment of visitors or
public training toward promoting the products of the farm and to generate additional farm
income. The present study aims at identifying the concepts of business agritourism and
investigating businesses opportunities in this regards. Applied method was used for this
qualitative case study method. The data was gathered through a structured interview form (open
questionnaire) interviewing the experts. It is noteworthy that the samples of this research are
experts of the areas (authorities and experts in agriculture and tourism). The data was analyzed
using qualitative case study method (open and axial coding). Excel software was used to display
the results. Lastly, literature reviews and the results of the coding method indicated that the
potencial of Jahrom for promoting agritourism categorized into 3 groups: natural geography,
human resources and agricultural potential. Also it is indicated that Jahrom has high potentials
for promoting agritourism. Moreover, among identified businesses (rural business, home-based
business, family business, small and medium-sized enterprises, small sized enterprises, cultural
business and educational business), home-based business (small business that operates from the
business owner's home office) are the most important business resulting from agritourism and
among the agritourism activities organizing festivals and events especially festival of date and
its products has the highest priority in Jahrom city.


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