Using content analysis summary in the conceptual model of entrepreneurship competencies needed for rural women


A considerable growth in employed women is an undeniable fact of the Iranian society.
However, social experience shows that a few numbers of these women are entrepreneur. In
order to create an entrepreneurial activity both social statuses and cultural conditions need to be
prepared. The aim of this paper was to present a conceptual model of entrepreneurship
competencies needed for rural women, through a summarized content analysis. This study used
a qualitative paradigm and summarized content analysis method of data analysis. Data gathering
method was done by searching, taking notes and coding on written texts from scientific and
significant papers. During content analysis process, first different codes were verified then
grouped into sub-themes and finally merged into main themes so that 52 sub-themes merged
into seven main themes. In this study to determine the reliability of data Holsty's reliability
formula was used and it was 0.86. Based on the findings, The main themes which were
extracted in this study were personal competence, psychological, communication abilities,
mental, conceptual merit, competence, leadership and organization, competence, Commitment
competency and strategic competency.


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