Analyzing the entrepreneurship culture in Kermanshah Township


Entrepreneurial culture is a catchy concept fronted by scholars and several governments in
their bid to promote entrepreneurship for unemployment reduction via job creation. However,
the analysis and conceptualization of entrepreneurial culture is an issue that is not addressed in
the entrepreneurship literature. In this regard, the main purpose of this study was to analyzing
the entrepreneurship culture in Kermanshah Township and providing a model for its
development. Statistical population consisted of all Active citizens (15 to 65 years) in
Kermanshah Township, that using Kerjeci and Morgan (1970) sampling table, 400 of them were
selected as the sample using the proportionate multistage sampling method (n=400). The main
instrument in this study was questionnaire which its validity were confirmed by the panel of
experts and its reliability was established by Cronbach's Alpha coefficient. Data were analyzed
by SPSSwin23 software. Findings revealed that the present status of entrepreneurship culture in
Kermanshah Township was at the moderate level. The Results of means comparison showed
that there were significant differences between entrepreneurship culture based on Role model,
place of birth and Employment status. Results of correlation analysis showed that the age had a
negative significant correlation, and education level had a positive and significant correlation
with entrepreneurship culture in Kermanshah Township. Finding of this study have applications
for policy makers, planners and managers of department of culture in order to enhance of
entrepreneurship culture Kermanshah Township.


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