Organic Farming as an Opportunity for Agricultural Entrepreneurship


Considering the importance of food safety and adverse effects of chemical inputs on the
environment and human health, there is an increasing interest in organic farming around the
world. Organic farming can improve sustainability, protect the environment, food safety, and
increase people’s health. Entrepreneurship and the establishment of small and medium
enterprises in organic supply chains including production of organic inputs and products,
processing, aggregation and distribution, marketing, delivering and selling them, could create
many job opportunities for rural youth, women, farmers and agricultural graduates and thereby
help rural and agricultural development, however, for the promotion and development of
organic farming, it is firstly needed to promote culture, education and information about organic
farming and provide favorable conditions and conducive environment for it. This study is a
descriptive and library research and its aim is to review the concept and definition of organic
farming and agricultural entrepreneurship. The paper finally explains the role of organic
farming in creating business opportunities and presents some suggestions in this regard.


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