An Analysis of Supply Chain in Agriculture Sector: Case of Strawberry Production in Ramian County, Golestan Province


The aim of this research was to investigate the input supply chain in the production of
strawberries in the Ramian County. The qualitative research was done using phenomenological
method and the qualitative data was collected by semi-structured interviews and direct
observation. A representative sample of stakeholders in supply chain (n=55), including
strawberry farmers, dealers and suppliers in the region were selected using snowball sampling.
The collected data were analyzed using narrative techniques and mind mapping. Research
results showed different paths for strawberry supply chain. Results showed that the Ramian
County because of its specific geographic location conditions and mountain climate is very
successful in strawberry cultivation and production. Thus, supply chain of strawberry
production could be developed by establishing local festivals during the harvest season, local
markets, roadside selling stations, processing fresh products (jams, jellies, marmalade) and
introducing a local brand in the Ramian County.


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