Analysing the implications and challenges of self-employment among the agricultural graduates


Self-employment among the agricultural graduates is one of the most important issues in
Iran. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to analyze implications and challenges of how
should be developed self-employment among agricultural graduates by a qualitative method.
This study was done in two steps. First step was conducted by a Delphi technique during three
phases with participation of 25 experts on self-employment include agricultural economic
experts, faculty members, staff directors of cooperative department and pioneer entrepreneurs.
The second step was done through a content analysis process. A purposeful sampling method
was used to select the samples. The results were theoretically saturated by 26 challenges about
creating and developing self-employment among the agricultural graduates. Finally, four main
themes were extracted and grouped i.e. organizational- institutional, economical, socio- cultural
and personal-professional. According to results of this study, some recommendations have been
presented at the end of the article.


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