The analysis of social and cultural context of rural entrepreneurship: Providing two models for rural entrepreneurship according to Auguste Comte revising


Having based on some of the theoretical concepts in August Comte's system of thinking like
"industrial society", "spiritual organization", and "don", this research paper, through a
theoretical methodology, presents two analytical models for better explanation of the cultural
and social context of rural entrepreneurship. In the first model, there have outlined three
approaches to the entrepreneurship as a whole literature: Encyclopedic Approach, Typological
Approach, and finally, Sociocultural Approach that is based on and related to the "industrial
society", and "spiritual organization" as two critical concepts in August Comte's sociological
system. The second model provides and deconstructs three important types of contextual rural
entrepreneurship that are: Environmental entrepreneurship (eco-preneuring), Social capital-
based rural entrepreneurship, and Social entrepreneurship. The last one is a non-profit
entrepreneurship related to the spiritual phenomenon such as religion. The eco-preneuring or
green entrepreneurship is a production of high conformity with the new emerging
environmental norms, and with the function of leveling and naturalizing the devastating effects
of profit-based economic entrepreneurship in rural areas. And finally social capital-based rural
entrepreneurship is the outcome of some modifications in George Homan's Social exchange
theory in sociology to adapt it with the rural entrepreneurship and linking the rural interactions
and networks, traditions and religion with the economic exchanges. The main goal of the paper
is to emphasize on shifting the rural entrepreneurship from the mainstream entrepreneurship that
is defined in the field of economy, toward the rural entrepreneurship that is based on the
sociocultural context and factors.


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