Value approach to business and production in agricultural sector: preparation for donation payment (Zakat)1 safety mechanism promotion


Agricultural business environment is extremely vulnerable to enormous and unpredictable
risks. Selected different mechanisms can protect productions of this sector against risks and
provide psychic security and inner relaxation for farmers of thier own business. For this
purpose, attention to the patterns that rose from Islamic culture for properties and life insurance
is necessary. The purpose of this study was to investigate influencing of donation payment
(Zakat) security mechanism performance on the job and life satisfaction from Preparation
Extension Approach (PEA) perspective According to the Islamic-Iranian model of progress,
which was done by using a descriptive – correlation method and a survey technique. The
statistical population was included Fars Province’s wheat producers that 196 of them were
selected by Morgan's Table and using proportional stratified random sampling method.
Collecting data instrument was questionnaire that was validated by a group of experts and its
reliability was calculated by using Coronbach Alpha's Coefficient (α=0.72-0.86). The results
showed that there is significant and positive relationship between the "attitudes toward Zakat
safety mechanism" and "job and life satisfaction". Also, average attitude toward Zakat safty
mechanism in very developed and developed areas is more than less developed and deprived
area. Finally, PEA explains how to promote Zakat safety mechanism among farmers to lead to
more wheat producers’ job and life satisfaction in the framework of Islamic lifestyle in Fars


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