Creation Conceptual Model for the Impact of Entrepreneurship Education Components on Trainees’ Attitude towards Business in Kar-Danesh Conservatories


Today entrepreneurship as an interdisciplinary science is known, and its
valuable consequences when appear that begins from the early age. Given that
there is a close relationship between training and entrepreneurship, the aim of this
study is to create conceptual model for the impact of entrepreneurship education
components on trainees’ attitude towards business in Kar-Danesh conservatories.
Components of entrepreneurship education included: “personal characteristics of
trainees”,” trainers’ features”, “space and equipment training”, “transformational
leadership”, “academic and career counseling”, “educational content”, “teaching
methods”, and “educational patterns in trainees’ families”. In this study used the
descriptive approach, and the required information through detailed study and
analysis of literature and domestic and foreign history by using the library's method
collected. In this paper, after describing the concepts of “entrepreneurship
education components” and “attitude towards business” are discussed about the
experiences, models and patterns in this domain, and finally conceptual model is
presented. Also, using an entrepreneur and expert trainers, using of combinatory
and innovative teaching methods, using of consultants for entrepreneurship,
improve the environment for innovation in conservatories and etc., as a number of
strategies to improve entrepreneurship education components in Kar-Danesh
conservatories have been expressed.
