A Review of Barriers to Entrepreneurship Development in the Agricultural Sector


Several studies show that one of the major solutions for economic development,
both of cities and villages is job creation and most important mechanisms and tools
for employment is entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship makes reduce
unemployment, increase personnel productivity and resources and ultimately
increase revenue for people in the society. Although entrepreneurship is not the
only way for creating jobs and increasing incomes of rural people, but it is
certainly the best type and productive type of it. As of today, the role of
entrepreneurship as an engine of economic was recognized widely by policy-
makers in many countries- including Iran, was recognized. But there are many
obstacles in the way entrepreneurship entrepreneurs in the country in general and in
the agricultural sector particularly. In this study, in addition to the discussion of
entrepreneurial history, advantages and benefits of entrepreneurship, the concept of
entrepreneurship and entrepreneur, the barriers to entrepreneurship development in
the agricultural sector was discussed in detail. The results of this study show that
policy-making and Planing, economic, support, education and information,
infrastructural and cultural are major barriers to development of entrepreneurship
in the agricultural sector. Finally some recommendations to the removing barriers
to entrepreneurship, the entrepreneurs were presented.
