Criticism on the Structural of Micro Credit Funds in Rural Women's Entrepreneurship


An economic and social development opportunity for the empowerment of rural
women's entrepreneurship is a priority of development programs. To achieve this
aim, the Ministry of Agriculture Office of Rural Women has fund such projects as
micro-credit schemes for rural women. This project, which began more than a
decade in the country, despite the constraints has been remarkable success.
Although funds made significant association among women, but because of the
lack of legal registration can not make contact with the official sources of
financing, such as bank, so those have been deprived the benefits and support of
projects for women. However, according to past experience, the legal registration
of the fund in the form of joint-stock companies or cooperatives because of
weakness financial and Legal bureaucracy, Will lead to additional costs and away
from the their targets, that self-reliance. So, a mechanism should be designed to
solve the problem and provide the situation for enhance and sustainability of the
funds. This mechanism should be provided retaining the main characteristics of
funds such as informal and savings oriented participation in decision making and
the ability to communicate with the formal financial resources. In this regard, the
proposed is consolidated women funds and micro-credit in the city within the
framework of the laws and regulations of the investment fund for agricultural
