ntegrating sustainability into entrepreneurship process; explaining concept, necessity and requirement of sustainability driven entrepreneurship and enterprise


Conceptually, sustainable development reflect, global partnership for continues
and dynamic economic growth, social justice and environmental protection and
potential rebirth not only for the present but also for future generations and
represent a holistic and universal commitment to improve human common future.
Beyond theorizing, achieving sustainable development as a virtue requires
appropriate planning and follow-up strategies in action. This requires thinking in
this field taking into account the special requirements of any society and avoids
fashionable theoretical and conceptual modeling of Western ideas. In this paper,
we first need to address sustainability in business and entrepreneurship is in line
with the principles and values of sustainable development. Sustainability driven
was explained in term of green enterprise. Then, the sustainable development of
entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship in the context of sustainable development
and the role of entrepreneurship and regional sustainable development have been
discussed. Then, the green entrepreneurship as an expression of sustainability in
business with related issues, market imperfections as hindering or promoting green
entrepreneurship, public policy and green entrepreneurship and its incentives and
requirements are followed. Finally, some recommendations provide to promote
sustainability in the field of entrepreneurship and business.
