Supports required to entrepreneurship development


In today's competitive market-based economy, which has been associated with
the international rapid changes and has created a process transition from an
industrial society to an information society, entrepreneurship as the engine of
development, can play an important role in economic growth of countries. Because
according the study by research institutions around the world, the Level of
entrepreneurship equal to the level of development and have recognized the direct
relationship between GDP growth and infrastructure and government support of
entrepreneurs. In our country has very limited support entrepreneurship centers and
entrepreneurs with all the problems, while trying to convert the idea into a product
should be responsible for all investment risk. Support centers for entrepreneurs due
to lack of financial support and lack of strong support from the authorities are
unable to meet the financial needs of entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs by creating
small businesses with limited capital and sometimes enter into an economic and
industrial move with low loan and in many cases lose their life and resources for
industrial development. Entrepreneurship development is not possible without
government support because the experience of other countries that have traveled
the path of development, suggesting that without government support,
entrepreneurship development is impossible. If the government provides financial
support to entrepreneurs, the development activities are carried out more quickly
and a lot of nodes on the entrepreneurial path will be opened. Governments do not
produce entrepreneurs also has a duty to prepare the environment for fostering of
entrepreneurs, government strategies can lead to the creation of a suitable
environment for the business. Therefore, this article discusses the types of support
services and infrastructure required for the development of entrepreneurship and
would be considered the experience of different countries in this area.
